Wow the Rugby World Cup Ceremony was so amazing, It took a long time but it was worth it. The fantastic part was when the graphics and animations came up while the actors were acting. It was the first time I’ve ever watched a RWC in New Zealand that awesome before. There was a lucky boy that got to act in the first part of the ceremony which is about him versing against a massive team in rugby. This boy come from Christchurch and has always wanted to play for the Christchurch rugby team.
Soon after that he was even luckier because he got walk in the middle of the great names of rugby players in the past. Suddenly he saw a man behind a smokey entrance. I hoped it was a famous rugby player that played for the All Blacks but I knew I am wrong. Waiting desperately to see who it was I saw Jonah Lomu, I was right after all. Jonah Lomu is a famous rugby player because he is the only man that has scored more then anyone else. Everybody was screaming and shouting while taking photos and so was me.
Even though Tonga is tough the All blacks is smart and I knew that All Blacks is going to win but Tonga is going to try their best. I went for Tonga and I hoped Tonga was going to win.